
Age: 6 months

Weight: 26 lbs

Sex: Female

Breed Stated on Paperwork: Boxer Mix

Dogs: Has lived with other dogs in the past

Cats: In foster with cats; mostly ignores them but sometimes wants to play/chase

Kids: Has lived with teenagers and did well with them

In a Nutshell: Aloo has impressed us with her easygoing nature! She acts older than her age would suggest: loving to lounge around, snuggle with her people, and nap the days away. She is still learning but has demonstrated that she’s a quick study: making quick work of potty training, walking on leash, and crate training and she’s easily redirected when her puppy curiosity gets the best of her and she’s investigating something she shouldn’t. We think Aloo is going to grow up to be a fantastic, probably pretty chill, adult dog who, like all puppies, would benefit from adoptive guardians comfortable using positive reinforcement training principles to help her become her best self. Aloo will be available for adoption beginning with the Worth the Wait List prior to general adoption applications.


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