OTAT PDX Programs

The animals we rescue live in volunteer foster homes and receive high quality veterinary care from one of two veterinary partners, Wildwood and Brooklyn Yard. All animals are spayed or neutered, microchipped, vaccinated, dewormed and tested for Heartworm. After dogs have been medically cleared for adoption, they are placed in their forever homes through our adoption program. Adoption Counselors work with fosters to make sure they have all the supplies, training and support needed to care for a dog until they find a forever family. We employ humane, science-based training methods and have a small training team helping to support our dogs. Learn More.
Our breeder diversion program (adopt don’t shop) for those who want to adopt a puppy in particular, this all but guarantees it. For a $50 administration fee, get on our list to receive text messages first when new puppies become available to adopt. Learn More.
A hospice foster program to give terminally ill dogs the best last days possible and a peaceful, painless passing. Host a dog who is at the end of their life anyway but make it possible for them to pass in a home instead of a shelter.
Sheila’s Cookie Jar is a program for senior dog care. In honor of Sheila, who came to OTAT PDX at 9 years old after her original guardian passed away, this program commits to the rescue of senior dogs with health issues and make adoptions more equitable.
Adopter support to keep medically fragile dogs in their forever homes. Theo came down with parvovirus soon after he was adopted, needing emergency vet care. As an adult dog who was fully vaccinated, this was unusual and required unexpected expenses of his new adopter. We stepped in to help and established Theo’s Fund, a veterinary care grant available to OTAT PDX adopters in order to help with surprise but necessary costs, allowing dogs to stay in their forever homes.
Rescue program for medically fragile dogs.
Robbie arrived to us in January 2019 from Kauai Humane Society and quickly began showing signs of leptospirosis. For five long days we poured into Robbie whatever she needed, never having to say no because of money all thanks to our generous donors. To ensure that’s always the case, we established Robbie’s Fund for dogs who need emergency medical treatment so that we can give them the fighting chance they deserve. We like to think it’s what Robbie would have wanted.
Helping behaviorally-complex dogs can reach their full potential
All dogs are good dogs, but some are behaviorally complex and need additional training support to reach their full potential. Ollie’s Best Self program provides a good dog with the chance to be their best self. We only employ and condone humane, science-based training methods by CPDT-KA certified trainers.