

Age: 5.5 years

Weight: 18 lbs

Sex: Male

Breed Stated on Paperwork: Poodle Mix

Dogs: Probably not

Cats: Wants to chase

Kids: Teenaged+, respectful of his space OK

In a Nutshell: Cacao is doing great in foster! He loves short walks around the neighborhood, though he’s still working on not reacting to other dogs when there’s a barrier. He has had mixed experiences cohabitating with other dogs and would probably prefer to be the one-and-only at home. Likes his crate and will sleep there overnight (provided it’s nearby his people). He will bark when he hears sudden/loud noises but is quiet overall. Cacao loves all people who give him space and respect his cues. He doesn’t love being handled (for the groomer, at the vet) so this is an area where he could use some help feeling safer. Little/loud/grabby kiddos are likely not a good fit for Cacao. He is overall an adorable and loving fluffball!

Cacao’s adoption fee is $100 because he’s been adoptable longer than 30 consecutive days.



