Crinkle Cut

Age: 2 years

Weight: 47 lbs

Sex: Female

Breed Stated on Paperwork: Husky Mix

Dogs: Would prefer to be the one and only.

Cats: Has lived with cats in the past; not a good fit

Kids: Unknown

In a Nutshell: Crinkle Cut is a chill, affectionate, medium-energy pup who thrives with a simple daily routine. All she needs are daily walks; a backyard to sniff / sun lounge / chew on her beloved bones; 3 square meals; some love and pets from her people; and maybe a bonus cruise in the car to take in the sights and smells. CC does great home alone and doesn't bark much at neighborhood noises. She is non-vocally reactive to "prey" (squirrels, rabbits) and other dogs on walks, but seems to get more relaxed and comfortable each day as she learns that she is safe.

Crinkle Cut’s adoption fee is $100 because she’s been adoptable longer than 30 consecutive days.



