
Age: 4 months

Weight: 14 lbs

Sex: Male

Breed Stated on Paperwork: Husky Mix

Dogs: In foster with another dog

Cats: Unknown

Kids: In foster with a tween and a teenager; best suited for older kids due to puppy enthusiasm

In a Nutshell: Crisco’s a cutie who loves being loved: we know him to be an enthusiastic solicitor of belly rubs and sofa snuggles. This guy has done really well with the resident dog in his foster home who he loves playing with. Crisco is a puppy and, like all puppies, he’s still learning the basics but so far we’ve known him to be easily redirected when his puppy curiosity gets the best of him and able to self-settle when he needs a break and a nap. He’s great in the car, is working on his potty training, and seems like a very smart, trainable boy! Like all OTAT puppies, Crisco will be available for adoption beginning with the Worth the Wait List prior to general adoption applications.




Nut Butter