Curly Fry

Age: 7 months

Weight: 22 lbs

Sex: Male

Breed Stated on Paperwork: Schnauzer Mix

Dogs: In foster with other dogs; does well with them

Kids: Unknown

Cats: In foster with cats; mostly ignores them

In a Nutshell: Curly Fry’s a happy guy! This puppy is super-duper affectionate and lovey with people; enjoying snuggling up with this foster guardians and meeting new folks too. He’s done great with the other animals in their home: matching the different energy levels of their resident dogs intuitively. As a puppy, he’s still working on the basics like potty training and feeling comfortable on leash but we know that in the care of a patient adoptive guardian who will use positive reinforcement training principles this guy will continue to blossom into a great dog. Like all OTAT puppies, Curly Fry will be available for adoption beginning with the Worth the Wait List prior to general adoption applications.




Au Gratin