
Age: 1 year

Weight: 31 lbs

Sex: Male

Breed Stated on Paperwork: Bassett Hound Mix

Dogs: In foster with another dog and doing great with them

Cats: Unknown

Kids: Unknown

In a Nutshell: Osprey’s a happy, loving lowrider looking for a lap to sit on (and maybe your help to get there). This dude is very affectionate, he likes to snuggle up with his foster guardian at every opportunity, but is also playful - especially when his prize toy, the flirt pole, comes out! He’s made a lot of progress on his house training and crate training since joining us in foster: he’s done well left alone in his crate but would appreciate it if you could leave the TV on for him, thankyouverymuch. We’re sure that his unbelievably cuteness and sunny disposition will brighten up his future adopter’s home just like it has his foster home!



