Panda Bear

Age: 1 year, 10 months

Weight: 50 lbs

Sex: Female

Breed Stated on Paperwork: Pit Mix

Dogs: In foster with other dogs but would also love life as a solo pup

Cats: Unknown

Kids: Unknown

In a Nutshell: Panda is full of energy, love, and mischief. She was originally a foster dog through Multnomah County whose foster fell in love and adopted her. Unfortunately, shortly after adopting that guardian was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer and given 6 months to live. Knowing she was not going to be there for Panda, they set out to help Panda socialize with other dogs at Rose City Dogs Daycare, and sent her through basic fear free training for two weeks. Panda stole the hearts of the owners of Rose City Dogs and, after her former foster-turned-adopter passed, those folks agreed to foster Panda through OTAT so that she would find the best forever home possible.



