Potato Salad

Age: 6 months

Weight: 24 lbs

Sex: Female

Breed Stated on Paperwork: Boxer Mix

Dogs: In foster with two other dogs and doing great with them

Cats: In foster with a cat and doing well - shares space with them and even snuggles up with them!

Kids: Unknown but seems like a good candidate, she’s very gentle

In a Nutshell: Potato Salad is a chill puppy who we expect will grow up to be a chill adult. Her paperwork calls her a Boxer Mix but those low-rider legs are suggesting something else is in there - we’re thinking maybe a basset/lab/pittie? Adopt her and let us know what the DNA test says! Potato Salad is doing fantastically with the other animals in her foster home but her favorite place to be is snuggled up with her people on the couch. She’s a lover who exudes a calmness beyond her age - with Potato Salad you get the best of both worlds: all the puppy cuteness with less of the puppy craziness! She’s taken well to potty training, is comfortable in her crate overnight and when left alone, and is getting the hang of walking on leash. She’s been thriving in foster and we’re confident that in the care of an adoptive home she’s only going to continue to blossom. Like all OTAT dogs under 1 year old, Potato Salad will be available for adoption beginning with the Worth the Wait List prior to general adoption applications.



