
Age: 3 years

Weight: 30 lbs

Sex: Male

Breed Stated on Paperwork: Mixed Breed

Dogs: Would do well with another patient, tolerant dog or as the one-and-only

Cats: Unknown

Kids: Older, dog-savvy kids likely a fit

In a Nutshell: Rosti is a wonderful pup who is doing well settling in to his foster home. He is nervous upon first meeting new people, but bonds quickly with anyone giving him lovin’. He is a mega chill, lovey, curious, dude. Not quite a lap dog, but loves to be at your feet/nearby and will come in for the occasional snuggle. He needs to work on accepting treats and toys more gently, so may be a better fit for older/dog-savvy kids or none in his adoptive home!

Rosti’s adoption fee is $100 because he’s been adoptable longer than 30 consecutive days.


Au Gratin


Steak Fry