
Age: 2 years

Weight: 45 lbs

Sex: Male

Breed Stated on Paperwork: Boxer Mix

Dogs: Yes

Cats: Unknown

Kids: Unknown

In a Nutshell: Russet has been doing great since arriving. He is so snuggly and soft. He has very little sense of his body in time and space lol, and will always want to be on top of you or right next to you. He is also playful, happy to chew on toys by himself, play tug or fetch with you, or run and tussle with another dog buddy. He is great on leash, walks nice and slow and checks-in often. He seems pretty well potty-trained already and has been left home alone for a few hours at a time and done well in his crate - will cry a bit when his foster leaves, but is settled in when they get back. The Texas rescue also reported he is an affectionate guy who loves other dogs, is good in the car, is very human-attuned and friendly with nice manners.




Couch Potato