

Age: 3 years

Weight: 35 lbs

Sex: Male

Breed Stated on Paperwork: Pit Bull Mix

Dogs: No

Kids: Truman has met older kids and done great! He might be too bouncy/excited for young/small kids.

Cats: No

In a Nutshell: Truman is a total sweetheart and a great companion who loves to snuggle. He’s a quick-learner who welcomes the chance to learn new things and just loves every moment he is with humans. He does really well left home alone for several hours, too, though, so he’s the best of both worlds. Truman is a great listener, loves belly rubs and absolutely lives for being outdoors. He will love to hang out in a sun spot while you garden or chill outside – he’s even been camping! You’ve heard of a “people-person”? Truman is a “people-dog” – while he struggles around other dogs, he is always excited and eager to meet and love on new people. Truman is seeking an adoptive home with no other animals and with a fenced yard.

Truman’s adoption fee is $100 because he’s been adoptable longer than 30 consecutive days.



