
Age: 2 years

Weight: 19 lbs

Sex: Male

Breed Stated on Paperwork: Terrier Mix

Dogs: In foster with other dogs

Cats: Unknown

Kids: Unknown but seems like potentially a good candidate

In a Nutshell: Yellowhammer (affectionately known as Hammer) is a sweet boy who loves to greet everyone, human or canine, with a kiss! Hammer is food motivated which will help with training (but don't bother with fruit and veggies, he has no interest). He’s spent his first few days in foster working on some new cues, learning the potty routine, settling on his bed, and sleeping in his kennel at night - he’s made progress each day and we’re confident that in time he’ll discover even more to love about The Good Life. Hammer is very curious with a side of timidness to new noises and situations, the presence of a confident resident dog may help show him the ropes. His favorite place to be is in your lap and he is Team Squeaky Stuffy when it comes to toys - can’t get enough of ‘em!



