Yukon Gold

Age: 3 years

Weight: 16 lbs

Sex: Female

Breed Stated on Paperwork: Pug Mix

Dogs: Does great with other dogs; loves to play, snuggle, and is great at taking cues

Cats: No intel but seems like she'd do well with proper intros

Kids: Heck yes! She loves kiddos

In a Nutshell: Fun-loving, pro-snuggling pup who is ready to get the party started or take a nap, just let her know! Getting along beautifully with the resident dogs in foster and loving every human she meets, YG is a low-maintenance gal who loves to be as involved. Friendly and easy-going, she will love being the center of attention whether on a bar patio or out at the beach. Yukon Gold is house trained with frequent breaks, non-destructive in the home and will keep herself entertained with all her favorite toys. She can have something to say to a squirrel through the window or briefly express her opinion about being left behind when her people leave and while she's easily redirected, shared walls may not be ideal.



