
Age: 2 years

Weight: 15 lbs

Sex: Male

Breed Stated on Paperwork: Terrier Mix

Dogs: In foster with another dog; follows their lead and gains confidence from their presence

Cats: Unknown

Kids: Likely not a good fit due to timidity

In a Nutshell: Boxty is a nervous boy but we've seen his affectionate, playful side peek through and can vouch for the fact that he's a real sweetheart once he's comfortable! Since getting out of the shelter and joining us in foster, Boxty has needed some time to acclimate: new things can be scary to him and Boxty will benefit from a future adopter in a quiet, low-traffic home who is comfortable taking things slowly at first, meeting him where he's at, and allowing him to feel out his new surroundings on his own time. Boxty is not yet comfortable on walks and has been pottying on pee pads in his foster's home. For this reason, a home with a fenced yard would be best for him so he can explore the outside and complete his potty training in a safe and secure environment. Boxty loves being around his people (even though it takes him time to trust them) and doesn’t enjoy being left alone however having another dog around for company helps ease his anxiety and would be hugely helpful in his forever home. He might require some extra effort up front, but trust us: once this little dude decides to open up to you, it'll all be worth it!


Home Fry

