
Age: 2 years

Weight: 12 lbs

Sex: Male

Breed Stated on Paperwork: Terrier x Chihuahua Mix

Dogs: Has lived with other dogs

Cats: In foster with cats and initially wanted to chase - has grown more comfortable with them as time’s passed but would still benefit from initial separation and supervised introductions to future felines

Kids: Unknown

In a nutshell: A sweet and goofy pup! Lefse enjoys being close to his people and would love to cozy up next to you on the couch. So far this dude has a low-medium energy level; content to just hangout with humans for most of the day, but is always happy for a quick romp in the backyard as well. Lefse can be hesitant about new experiences so he’d appreciate a family willing to be patient and work on building up his confidence. Comfortable in his crate, non-destructive in the home, and has no issues being left home alone for a few hours, Lefse has a lot of love to give and we can’t wait to see him flourish with his new family!

Lefse’s adoption fee is $100 because he’s been adoptable longer than 30 consecutive days.




Pomme Frites