
Age: 2 years

Weight: 29 lbs

Sex: Female

Breed Stated on Paperwork: Spaniel Mix

Dogs: Companionable with other dogs, but also happy to just be with her humans

Cats: Living in foster with a cat and doing great!

Kids: Unknown, but would likely do great!

In a Nutshell: Croquette is a dream! She is sweet, quiet, gentle, loves to be near her people, and loves to get pets. She’s also housetrained, is working on getting comfortable in her crate, and is well-behaved and non-destructive in the house. She sleeps through the night on her bed. She has also gotten along great with the cat in her foster home - she really pays her no attention and lets the cat come up to her without any sort of reaction. Overall, she’s just a really affectionate, gentle, easy-going dog.


Pomme Frites

