Pomme Frites

Age: 1 year

Weight: 36 lbs

Sex: Male

Breed Stated on Paperwork: Terrier Mix

Dogs: In foster with 2 dogs and enjoys their company as much as the humans.

Cats: Unknown, but would likely do great!

Kids: Unknown, but would likely do great!

In a Nutshell: Pomme Frites is perfection in a fuzzy body. He is cuddly, quiet, and would gladly accept scritches 24/7. He's housetrained and LOVES the bio-break reward cookies that follow a trip outside, he sleeps in a crate at night without a complaint and gets cozy on a dog bed during the day. He is timid around flights of stairs indoors but flies up and down steps to enter the house. He is polite with a side of puppy energy. He is non reactive while walking on a leash, and enjoys a relaxed sniffy walk. He is most comfortable laying down in the car while it is moving and when stopped he like to pop up and take in all the sights. Frites is going to be a wonderful addition to any living situation.



