
Age: 8 months

Weight: 38 lbs

Sex: Female

Breed Stated on Paperwork: German Shepherd Mix

Dogs: In foster with another dog; does well with them and loves to play

Cats: Has been fostered with cats previously; not a great fit (wants to chase)

Kids: Unknown

In a Nutshell: Margarine likes to cuddle with her people and play with their dogs! This girl is a friend to both her foster guardian and their pup. Margarine is a local dog who joined us from a PDX-area shelter and has impressed us since with her striking looks and sweet demeanor. She’s making progress on the puppy basics: potty training, crate training, and redirecting her enthusiastic curiosity for exploring (and chewing) into appropriate outlets. Margarine would thrive in an adoptive home with guardians home often to help her acclimate into her next chapter - we can’t wait to see this girl blossom into a gorgeous adult GSD. Like all OTAT puppies, Margarine will be available for adoption beginning with the Worth the Wait List prior to general adoption applications.


Hoagie Roll

