
Age: 4 years

Weight: 80 lbs

Sex: Male

Breed Stated on Paperwork: Labrador Mix

Dogs: Has been housed with dogs in the past

Cats: Unknown

Kids: Unknown but may be best suited for older/sturdier kids due to size

In a Nutshell: Morrell’s a big boy with a big heart! Since getting out of the shelter and into a foster home, we’ve been impressed how well he’s acclimated: figuring out potty training, loose leash walking, and appropriate house manners in record time. Morrell is primarily an easygoing, chill guy around the house but with playful energy he can tap into when the time is right (check out those amazing jumps he’s capable of!). We think Morrell would make a great addition to nearly any family but because he’s such a quick learner and aspiring athlete he’d especially thrive in a home with folks who are active and committed to helping him work out both his brain and his brawn.


