
Age: 12 weeks

Weight: 26 lbs

Sex: Male

Breed Stated on Paperwork: Heeler x Great Pyrenees Mix

Dogs: In foster with other dogs and does great with them

Kids: Unknown

Cats: Unknown

In a Nutshell: Puffin is a wonderful dog. He's happy to do his own thing but also checks in with his people often and doesn't need to be asked twice to come up on the couch for a snuggle. He does all the normal puppy things--chews on sticks, takes long naps, gives kisses. His house training is going great! Puffin loves other dogs and follows their lead. He's super playful when they're interested, but he's also great at reading their signals and doesn't pester the older dogs in foster when they're done playing. He entertains himself with toys, sleeps through the night and is about as chill a puppy as they come! Puffin will be available for adoption beginning with the Worth the Wait List prior to general adoption applications.



